Why generative?
A new way to do business.
A new way to do business.
Organisations are at a defining moment: the pressures have never been greater, nor have the opportunities for change. If we lean into that change, our organisations can help shape a better future that works for everyone. We can be generative. We’re excited by this prospect and it’s been the heartland of our work for over a decade.
Seek purpose-led impact
Shape the future
Deliver sustainable growth & thriving work environments
Embrace complexity & include all that is
Promote interconnectedness & collaboration
Lead consciously & authentically
Maintain a rhythm of strategy, reflection & action
Prioritise dynamic & emergent practices
Becoming generative
We believe that conventional OD and consulting practices miss the importance of a whole human and systemic based perspective. There is deep untapped power in bringing together the old and the new and introducing systemic and generative ways of working into organisations trying to navigate the mess, muddle and complexity of the modern world. Our globally-recognised approaches include:
Business Psychology: our tried and tested favourites from traditional consultancy approaches
Theory U: awareness-based method for changing systems
Organisational Constellations: mapping complex and hidden dynamics in systems
Systemic Coaching: individuals and teams understand themselves and their wider contexts
Spiral Dynamics/Integral Theory: tracking the evolution of organisations, becoming ‘teal’
3 Horizons: framework to guide conversations about the future
Wisdom traditions: range of practices to deepen self awareness and presence
Lotus Frame: new resource for pioneering leadership at all levels in the organisation
Stand back and see the whole of the system in context
Work with curiosity & emergence, open to what we don't yet know
Focus in with precision on the key moves that make a difference
Embrace complexity & include all that is
Practice radical inclusion where everyone and everything belongs
Stand alongside you to co-create your bespoke solutions
Work with both the individual & the collective, the micro & the macro
Trust in abundance & resourcing
"Working with GenerativeWork was a unique experience - I came in skeptical but the whole process was incredibly powerful and what it has created in the team is immense."